Tuesday, December 28, 2010


An entity on LJ (after all, even with names we're still anonymous) edited out information about onnagata in connection with the picture I posted there (previous entry here).

Very odd, her (his?) repeated claims it's not him. Thi translation is from the Urban Dictionary. The key to the mystery may here be:

An onnagata is a Japanese term for a female impersonator.

Onnagata also refers to male kabuki characters who played female parts.
From the medieval period to the 19th century in Japan, various men practised shudo, which is age-structured homosexuality. Because of this, many onnagata moonlighted as prostitutes.

Today, shonen-ai and yaoi are existing types of male homosexuality.
Nanshoku, or "the love of the samurai", may center on a relationship between a samurai and an onnagata.

Have I totally lost it?

Does this look like Benedict (Sherlock) Cumberbatch in Kabuki make-up?

It's from Burlesque Fairytales on this site: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA2NTc2OTMy.html

Or am I losing it?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet UB!

UB inspects the WC

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Flying too high with some guy in the sky is my idea

Of nothing to do...

This is who Punkin' wishes to grow up to be.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

In Punkin' Mourning

As if pie making wasn't enough

Thursday, November 18, 2010

44,705 words so far

Spoke to Judith Van Gieson, a New Mexico mystery writer, with whom I had made a appointment to discuss Dia's first chapter. But I didn't go to the Hillerman conference (because I'm going to Paris at the end of this month) but I kept the conference with Judith Van Gieson, mostly because I've never had a real writer talk about my work (vain, I know).

That's from another blog of mine. I have like eight. The swell thing is that Despite the fact that I was going to abandon the damn thing, she gave me hints that renewed my love. I love Dia, and Van Gieson led me to think I should alternate chapters. TOTALLY en pointe!

So today, the pic is for Land of Burning Heat: A Claire Reynier Mystery by Judith Van Gieson. I like this character.

I told her I'd blog about it and she laughed!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

35,472 words so far

As I have mentioned, The Book of Dia has stalled. In Tucson. Where it landed in the prologue. 35000 words in.

I can't explain it. Snaketown clipped along at such a linear pace. Plot points following plot points, moving briskly to the denouement. AND a murder had been committed. In the past and present.

The Book of Dia is more circular. As in, stuck in a rut. Or an oval. or..no, rut says it all.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

27,166 words so far

Just clicking along. Have reached a very sad part. I thought it was sad, because I cried to the point of nose dripping. Again, because I know I have no audience, I don't have to apologize for that visual.

If this is a manic episode, I'd rather have it now rather than on the plane.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Think PINK

23,116 words so far

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Panicked way too soon

Yesterday, 18,319

What changed? A new method of firing (ceramics) that I "learned" about: Maiolica, sometimes called majolica in English-speaking countries, is Italian tin-glazed pottery dating from the Renaissance.

AND the Big Cats of Tucson, such as the Ghost Cat:

Not that ghost cat, but a cougar. Happy writer now!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hit a bump so soon in the game

Of course, I had sex quickly in the other book. I'm 1400 behind. I am missing something. And Dia is thus far a cardboard cut. Why won't her personality shine? Was she better off stage?

So I am trying to visualize her. This is the most attractive reader I could google.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just a note

Watching the NCIS marathon on USA. Don't know why, though I do like the show. I hate De-nozzle though. Especially shooting spit balls at Ziva. AIDS anyone? Like Abby, but she'd probably drive me nuts. I'd hang with Ziva.

I kinda liked Kate (her death was one of the episodes) but seeing her on Rizzoli & Iles made me not like her. Modeling her character after Bones is wrong. Don't like dear Temp.

Look at his mind spinning.
Figuring out how to play her.

Worked on charm bracelets today. A great Pirate bracelet (one sold on eBay for $300+). Sterling charms, some really nice enameled charm, like the bloody dagger and the black vulture. They work, right?

A non-sterling Day of the Dead charm bracelet, featuring some of the altered art charms I bought on eBay. I wont mind giving them credit. Hope that will be fine.

I have to get off buying on eBay, I won't be getting any mail for 3 months (can't forward from a hotel). I don't know what the Medicare Part D (prescriptions) is going to do when my mail is returned. They are so slow and insane. They just acknowledged I live in Tucson - THIS WEEK!

I didn't win the Hillerman. I wonder how to get Snaketown to a publisher. I hate being one of those writers who is looking for an agent.

I'm going to the dentist on November 3rd. Hope I survive it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ok it's October

So, how the heck are you?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two Photos by me I've always loved

Soho (NYC) in the 1980s, before its Renaissance.

Lucky shot from downtown Laramie WY

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Helms Deep

I LOVE the arrival of Haldir and the elves at Helms Deep. Legolas is beautiful as usual (shame Orlando Bloom had to be seen and ruin it all), but I can't watch Haldir die. I just love him so! Eomer shows up to save the day (now Karl Urban looks gorgeous as a blond and brunette) so I'll try and time it to see the hobbits and Ents destroy Eisengard and Eomer arrive.

Got it right. The ride out. Eomer. The Return of the King next.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Giving up

on Wordpress. Some funny/manic/sad posts on Blog de Glyrics.

To update: Much work on Notebooks, very little on text. My Love is Like a Red Red Rose is outlined to a T. More outlining of The Book of Dia. Especially in regard to Dia herself. Even figured out the crime. I also wrote (I'm pretty sure) something on Natty Bee's trip to the Vietnam Memorial but damned if I can find it! Dream writing?

ETA Bored. Truly bored. Sleeping all the time. Washed my hair. Doesn't keep me awake. My back hurts from being supine all the time. I just take a Motrin 800.

I like Dia, as she is shaping up. Deb wanted more of Dia, so I suppose that's why she piqued my interest. I'm very intrigued by the crime I've shaped.

Also, I've found conflict between NADIA and SAGE. It just happened. I have a problem with conflict, perhaps because I hate it in real life.

I love to put things into my sub-conscious and wait for them to shake out a good turn. Maybe.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Once again, #$%^&*( WordPress malfunctions

Fortunately, I saved the post:

I will go to Paris in December. I will get an apartment in the sixth or eighth arrondissement. I have unpacked ALL French books, will be studying the language so as not to make a fool of myself. Not that I'm bored with Tucson, but tempus is fugeting all over the place and I must be going. I'll put all my stuff in storage here (except anything perishable because of the heat). As Groucho said, "Hello, I must be going."

I will make all the charm bracelets I can, then sell the rest of the charms. And any stones I haven't used. I guess I will mail the bracelets from Paris, if they sell at all.

I will finish and submit it electronically. I will use my PO Box sparingly. Hmmmmm How will I get my mail? Of course, I could forward it to Jules, but she has yet to send me my French tapes.

Once again energized! I'm moving again!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I diet coke'd my Baby

& it's just returned from the mother ship (Macintosh) and I could weep for joy! I missed is so! I would think of something I needed to Google, write things in a notebook, wishing I was writing on my computee...what the hell is my bank balance??? And Lordee, the emails! Oy!

And I never back up, because I couldn't bare to bring it in to repair the dvd player. Total cost of repairs: over $1000.00. Thank God I bought that warranty!

So, NO COKE near my BABY!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm trying to make some Inchies. "Tiny little inch by inch squares of art, representing your favorite media to work in! Theme for August is, Butterflies!"

So I'm working on some butterfly art. I was going to put little sterling silver butterflies (I have 6) but couldn't think of a design to incorporate them or how to attach them.

So I'm trying something else

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Spooky Hollow Folk Art!

I first met the artist when she listed Pumpkin Elf, cousin to my Punkin' self.

Well, says Punkin' says I, friend her on facebook! So I did!

Now she has a blog Spooky Hollow Folk Art wherein all her marvelous denizens lurk and live. Especially

the Grimmy!

She's running a great contest to win a Grimmy, so go to her blog and register. Spooky Hollow Folk Art . It's just that easy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I hate to say it

but I wish I could make the picture smaller, but I have no idea how I found the edit thing and can't find it again. Or change the image because I'm a Gemini. & bi-polar. It's frustrating.

ETA I did find it, got rid of humongous pic. Chances are I'll never find it again

Friday, June 18, 2010

Now on Deviant Art!


Yet another URL!

YAY me!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I didn't win the jump rings. I hope I get a second chance offer.

I'm just forging ahead. I have to believe things will work out. It reinforces the idea that I'm so alone. Only have these blogs to tell my troubles to. Whatever did they do before blogs? Wrote novels I bet. There are few monsters I can't see as real people.

The clock is from Paris. Love the symbolism of time hidden by leaves, soon to be completely one with the scene. Stagnation. Stand still and you'll be buried.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I own these earrings and the pendant

I love them. They might be too big for a bracelet however.

I've also bought empty copper bracelets (10) and a bunch of jump rings. But the purtiest thing I now own are copper prayer boxes. Won these:

Somebody stop me!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Now, it's getting serious!

25 of these beautiful RED COPPER:

Waiting on auction for 4 of these:

Won them. Sigh. Sold 21 DVDS for 99 cents. eBay sucks

And of course my life wouldn't be complete with a little Frida


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

UB is injured!

His tail has become detached! My poor baby!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Altered Art charms

Yep, that's the trouble I'm getting myself into. I'll be mailing about 30 boxes to Tucson. Hope there's room to create!

I've found an eBay seller: The-Indigo-Dragon. I've had them make Day of the Dead, some Tarot cards. Still buying.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Book the Second made its 1st outline!

I have seceded control of Dia's story to the book itself. Seriously. It's about Tarot, the things one can divine, the life one ignores while looking to the stars. For a life.

It's getting some neat ideas, too. However, the outline is a bit Doug-lite. I want that relationship to last. One thing to tantalize: His senile father dies, and Moms is revealed to have had a boyfriend through the hard times!

Good times!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

C'est moi

Enthused by Snaketown's existence, and the fact that I still love the character, I am planning Book the Second: Dia. Which will be about the flaky chick getting in beaucoup trouble in Cali, coming to Natty's for safety.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I finished SNAKETOWN!!!

It's in the mail, winging its way to NYC, to St Martin's Press & the Tony Hillerman Mystery Contest!

This pic is apropos of nothing. I screen capture things watching movies on Netflix. This is from one of the:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished Snaketown. It needs editing, but I have beaucoup notes.



Friday, May 14, 2010

Discovered a new thing

Which of course the whole world has known about:

Am I supposed to try & get 8 oz in one nostril & out the other? I tried, but it then came out both. I actually enjoyed doing it! I just hope it clears out my post nasal drip. Chokes me up in the morning!

So how is Snaketown coming along? I wrote the Epilogue today (it came to me waiting for c-van @ legacy clinic, where I got a blood test to see if I have a fatal disease) and I am close to getting it all together. Then quickly editing. I almost understand raku and both Natty and I think we're Hohokam, so no problems there. I did have a detour to learn about adobe houses.

What fatal disease you ask? (I'm a bi-polar Gemini, so I may be speaking to any number of entities. None of whom leaves comments.) I don't remember.

Watching Beast for 20,000 Fathoms. Sort of laughable. Not quite as hilarious as Potemkin or Way Down East, but laughable.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Go Natty Go Natty Go Natty

Yep, Snaketown:

1. got another sex scene (it just flowed!)
2. Got back to 50,000 without filler
3. has 2 weeks to make the Hillerman deadline!

Need 10,000 more words, get Deb to proof and send it off. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keep on Keeping on

Yea, I got a delivery from Vista Print. As I said, I'm addicted. I will head off to Tucson with an unbelievable amount of note pads, pens, Notebooks, business cards, stickers, postcards and mugs. & t-shirts. I think I'm covered.

I have been outlining the ending to Snaketown. Now if I can just finish it. And edit it. I'm hyperventilating.

Finally, I was seriously dissed by the assholes at the Autumn Chase office this morning. I went to drop off packages and pick one up. The jerk couldn't have been more dismissive. They're harassing me about renewing: giving a party for renewals, having forms to fill out etc. As if.

These are the assholes who leave messages on the ground somewhere near my apartment door. They replaced all the windows. I NEVER GOT THE LETTER!!! They believe I did. I WOULD HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS IF I HAD!!! During the installation, they took out my air conditioner! The assholes didn't replace it! Who will I get to replace it? Doesn't matter.

Last week, they were ????? on my hot water heater. That letter was under the stairs to the second floor. I went to look and it said C-&. THAT DAY, some jerk was talking on the phone, saying "her number has changed." Outside my door. When the workman knocked, I opened the door, very friendly.

I have somehow gotten a bad reputation in this complex. Fuck 'em.

Thanks for listening to my rant. My invisible audience!

Friday, April 30, 2010

PunkinElf Charms

Opened a new web site Punkin'Elf Charms for my charm business. I don't know the purpose, but I'm enjoying expanding on it.
Made reservations for Tucson. Got my AZ ID out of storage. Leaving in the beginning of July. YeeHaw!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Symbolism of the Dragonfly

The dragonfly is sacred to both the Native tribes of the Plains and the Japanese, among others. As a creature of the wind, it represents change. Its wings are sensitive to the slightest breeze; it's meaning to us that we too are driven by outside forces. Dragonflies live near water, symbolic of the subconscious mind. They hover over water, as if getting the complete thought, a deeper thought. Dragonflies live such a short life, their final message to us is seize the day.

This is a site What's-Your-Sign.com I am interested in, as it deals with "Symbolic Meanings Galore!" I will peruse it another time.

Why dragonflies? I am putting together a Wicca/Celtic/Witchy charm bracelet. I am in the midst of a real manic period (I had 17" of hair chopped off. 'Nuff said.) I have a nice dragonfly charm and I recalled that the dragonfly has sacred symbolism. So it goes on the charm bracelet. Natives also believe the dragonfly is the carrier of souls.

The mania of course centers on spending. I have ordered enough products from Vista Print that will have me handing them out on street corners. I'll let you know which ones. C'mon by, say hi!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Renewed Punkinelf.com for another year.
Next week, I'm chopping off my hair. Not by myself (thought there was a moment there when I thought I could).

I want a bob. This article says Everyone looks good in a bob. Here's hoping!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Where am I now?

The Norn spread is used to plot the crucial elements of past, present, and future, and to reveal the evolution of the situation through the arc of time. Jade Runes are most commonly used for questions about love, friendship, and relationships.
The left rune represents an important element of the past. Algiz can be easily recognized as the antlers of the elk that it represents. The elk can represent victory, but is much more appropriately associated with the thrill of the hunt itself. This rune therefore can portend vigor and success in active endeavors.
Also, this rune seems symbolic of a hand with outstretched fingers - a protective hand. This hand may suggest that you will be shielded from things negative - the problems still exist, you are spared the brunt of their force.
The middle rune represents a deciding element of the present. Inguz is the rune of completion and fertility. The presence of this rune suggests that tasks which have been initiated will come to fruition. This rune is associated with Ing and Frey, it is this connection that explains its connotations of both fertility and sexuality. The variant of this rune shown here is reminiscent of the twin strands of life, and of the challenge and rewards of bringing together things complimentary.
The right rune represents the critical element of the future. Berkana, the birch tree, is representative of rebirth, fertility, and a positive outcome to ventures undertaken. It is also the rune of families. Here the rune is reversed, warning you to be heedful of new beginnings, lest they sour. Rebirth is either delayed, or totally disrupted. There is also a warning of family troubles.