Monday, December 28, 2009

Snaketown begins in earnest!

Mysteries featuring potters. The next two are The Cracked Pot and A Fatal Slip.

I have read all of Tony Hillerman, but I will be glad to read them again. The Blessing Way is the first, so I bought the audio. The next on is Dance Hall of the Dead, which I still remember after all these years. Will it make me cry again?

Books about Archaeology. I read this a while ago, but don't mind rereading it for Snaketown

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Virginia's  book recommendations, reviews, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sing a torch song

dressed to undress, finger zippers
rip seams pallor wrapped, shouldn't
talk shop, match my bite marks
my bites bite for bite. It's a look
pumping me, feigning interest,
check out the competition, eat
my heart, a mushroom, a truffle
grows underfoot, no breakfast
no answer, no interest, where it
failed. Disappear in that direction
old snake eater trick, she asked
about you, do you have the match?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Top facts about the name Virginia Conn

Did you know that Virginia Conn is...
  1. Well envoweled
  2. Ainigriv Nnoc backwards
  3. Irginiavay Onncay in Pig Latin
  4. 01010110 01101001 01110010 01100111 01101001 01101110 01101001 01100001 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101110 01101110 in binary code?
See more at www.IsThisYour.Name

Posted using ShareThis

Friday, November 27, 2009

I couldn't sleep

Took the day off from writing

to go shopping!

Unbelievable crowds at Walmart (I bought undies & a fleece jacket), some cool tees at Old Navy & a fleece jacket I liked better & the ORPHAN dvd @ Fred Meyer.

Two motrin day...I take 800s

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Le sigh For the first time, I'm ahead of the curve. I still don't know whodunit or why, I'm now thinking they'll be gal n guy PI team, and I still like Snaketown. I will have to do a LOT of clean up on this, but than the Hillerman prize doesn't have submission until June. Gobble! Gobble!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Giving Thanks...

Am I really going to finish this?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok, I wasn't going to break my neck to catch up, but then I saw the words on today's square:

I had to keep writing.

Well, I have to post something.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Seems kinda cruel

I'm at 37,340, 1000 shy. But I'll make up the distance.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009


I realized that I was more motivated when I posted the numbers I was supposed to have.

So close I can lick it.

Mentholatum on you chest helps you sleep, and produces the deepest cough I have ever had. To my knees, I'm telling you!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


It's called Snaketown. I hope I'm not done for the day. I meet my new psychologist today. Hope I don't infect her.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Dear Natty has come up with yet another thing I have to research. It's bad enough I've rearranged the entire state of Arizona because I have no idea where these two are. Ms Outdoorsy I'm not. Body Art? She wants to be tattoo'd? Henna'd? Scarified? These characters think the whole novel revolves around them.

Where's that white flag?

Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Again behind, by about 540+ but I love my novel, so I'm just getting things out there and fix it all later. Wrote a great sex dream though, so I feel as if I'm totally into it.

Sore throat is over, which was good because I didn’t know what to do for it and the best advice on the Web was apple cider vinegar. That wasn’t going to happen. My friend very nicely went to the store to get me bags of Halls Plus, the cough drops with the “soothing syrup center”. Yum. My breathing is good, sweating up a storm. And I’ve drowned myself in 1000mg of Ester-C. Have no idea. But I’m feeling better.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fell a little short today

26272 when I'm supposed to be at 26640. Of course there's the whole day still to come. Della and Rake have reappeared, which gives me the opportunity to write idiomatic speech. I have also ventured into the realm of lucid dreaming, something I have done, such as editing a plane crash, either by changing my seat (knowing who survives and where) to putting myself back at the airport. I also recognize locales of recurring dreams, such as the intersection of Laramie and Augusta Blvd. I don't recall anything unusual that happened there growing up, but I do know I've seen the four season: snow, flowers, multi-colored leaves changing and hot n humid. So I've given it to Natty.
Might have Natty & Doug, detectives, the series. HaHaHa. But since neither died (I'd hate for Natty to die, as I recognize her *cough*cough*) and they're still hot for each other (They really have to have some friction. I mean, I hate it in real life relationships, but in fiction and sitcoms, that's romance!) so I guess they'll consult on the case. Problem is, Doug was shot in the side and he won't be ambulatory and I don't know why the bad guys would come after Natty.
I love the discovering that goes on!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

25157 Natty B, go B

I am so please with this book! I am so enamored that I'm seriously considering sending it to one of those manuscript appraisal services.

I know, get over myself!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


23,340 is today's count to meet. I'm getting ahead of the curve and its becoming easier to write, to actually sit down and work. I'm so proud. And happy. Guess the meds are working, or it could be momento mori that tempis fugit... i.e., I'm old and have nothing to show for my life. Though this isn't the poetry I had hoped to write, it's a beginning.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yes, it's true. I'm on course! Yay ME!

The last entry was a bit premature. I also skipped ahead to the action part, because the two of them were soooooooooo boring! I shot one, which felt good, and the woman avoided a rape, which pleased me more. I'm at 21789, which is odd because that's the word count @ the NAMO site, but my word processing program has a higher count. Oh well, it's still over the day's total!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hear ye! Here ye!

Let it be known on this day and at this time, I am at 18,542 words, and the count I'm supposed to be at today is:

Yay verily I say unto you, I ROCK!

Speaking of rocks, I am now calling the book Rock Slide which I've just decided I hate, so that's not it either. But hey! I'm at the right word count! Yea ME!

THANK GOD! No one reads this blog! I have no sense of direction either, can't (won't) balance a check book and can't drive. Not knowing what the date is is small potatoes!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Silliness. but I've renamed it RED ROCK & BLUE, or maybe that should be BLUES. There aren't any blues being sung yet. They're just laughing and carrying on. It's a disgrace! I might just bump the two of them off out of spite! THE END!
And because I always add a pic:


Me drowning.

Seriously. No one's died yet! I've got this extended meet cute and road trip thing happening, BUT IT'S A MURDER MYSTERY! Someone should die.

But who? I only have two real characters and have this set piece and I have to get them to it and THEY'RE TAKING THEIR TIME!

With conversation like this, Doug telling Natty about his senile father:

"... I walked in on him in their bedroom, thinking he was talking to me. He was talking to the sock, about their long history together. As if they had their boyhoods together. It was so bizarre, I couldn’t help but listen. It was loving.” Doug paused a moment, amazement on his face.
“When he became aware that I was there, he accused me of spying on him, of not giving him a moment’s piece, he bought this house and...” Doug’s voice trailed off and he chortled. “Why did he marry me anyway.”

Dialogue's good, eh? What am I saying! Nobody reads my journal!

Carry on.

Red Rock & Blue

Red, Glorious
Red Everlasting
Red Rocks Out
Looters See Red
Rattle Red
Battle Red
Bloody Red Eye
Red Wild Yonder
Red For the Win
Red Thumb
Red Hand
Lady MacBeth Red
Out Out Red
Out Loud Red
For Crying Out Red


Add Your Own!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm supposed to be at 16670, but I'm sneaking up to it. Also, the title WITCH OUTPOST is not longer valid. Sigh. It's about the color RED. But that's stupid title. Hmmmm. Make me crazy, why don't you!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm at 9193 words

and falling further behind as each day dawns. Who cares! I love this novel! My problem is I make changes as I start each day. I have to, because I'll forget why it's Phoenix and not Apache Junction, research about southwest Arizona, and of course, wanting to move back there. Tomorrow. We all know what THAT is about, huh?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Anasazi Rock Art

I'm at 6000 words, still behind but am loving this story more each day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

National Novel Writing Month

I'm up to 4000 (Yay me!) and I still love the story. I have to write a love scene so I saved it for this morning, when my memory is fresher. *snort* So I leave you will a screen capture from an early Roseanne, to set the mood.

Oh yeah, it's from the Halloween episode.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Witch Outpost

I've fallen behind (already). Supposed to be at 5000 words; I'm at 2000+. But I have to say, I'm really pleased with this plot and the people in it. It's really fabulous. And I have a notebook which has over 10 pages of notes already. I am not "just writing". I go back, edit, embellish. An evolving growing story is very encouraging, getting the juices flowing. I haven't found the murder yet, but I know where it happens. Just not who it happens to.

Meet DOUG:
"He had an “Aw shucks, ma’am” attitude, which she found charming. Thinking this, she smiled brightly to encourage him. “Just started working a job here in Tucson, a couple of months. Live upstate, not married, honest.” Natty laughed at that. “You can call my Mom.”
“You live with your mother?”
“No, no,” he said quickly and laughed. “She knows all the news that’s fit to print. My Dad, not so much.” He smiled wryly. “Your turn.”

Monday, November 2, 2009

Witch Outpost

So, it begins! My novel is called Witch Outpost. Opening is:

When Natty's boyfriend got sentenced to seven years in prison, she knew she had to find a new man. She couldn't drive.

The plus: I like it! I have cleared my schedule (*snort*)and since it's set in Tucson, WHEN I finish it, polish it, I can submit it to the Hillerman Prize!

I'm psyched!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How could I forget!

National Novel Writing Month

Yes, I am the newest entrant in National Novel Writing Month, from Vancouver WA! Thank you *bows* oh thank you very much!


It's funny (not funny haha) that I feel totally divorced from the world of books, lituracher, a land that I so desperately tried to swim for, but alas, alack, to no avail. I feel odd this morning. I have taken my second Vitamin D 50000mg pill (Normal range in a body: 32-100. Vitamin D in my body: 4). Plus the first of the Iron pills (yes, deficient in that too. No numbers though.) Anyway, what I meant about books is that I read reviews. I used to write the titles down, wanting to read them. But mostly now I think: what's the point of this book? Is this a part of depression? The not liking what one used to like? Or jealous me, saying why him (usually a him) and not me. If it wasn't meant for me, why did I try for it for so long. What was for me and how did I miss it? Or is it that some people just fail, just don't win the prize, just aren't the fortunate one?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Me Neither


Aw, the gifs don't move. Dang it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Tarot Card Mysteries

The Star: A Tarot Card Mystery The Star: A Tarot Card Mystery by David Skibbins

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My favorite thus far. I really cared about his daughter and the effect this trauma would have on her. This is a really good series

View all my reviews >>

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Took the "What Age Do You Act" quiz and got "Teenager"!

Took the "What Age Do You Act" quiz and got "Teenager"!

Posted using ShareThisTeenager

Although a tad more mature than some, you still have some growing up to do. You can be moody and do like things to be exactly how you want them, however, you are willing to compromise and with some TLC, you may just mature!

I don't look at all like that. Duh!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Fails

Lipstick Chronicles has a hilarious fails. My fave:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Great post at 9 Tragic Suicides of Hello Kitty.
Love for Vancouver is dwindling:
It's getting cold,
the a**hole upstairs (and his not-so-little dog too) and
I can't find a doctor who takes medicare.
Seems this was well known in the community, but not to me. They don't get enough money (boo hoo).
So, I will be off my zoloft soon, but have 5 more months on my diabetes, arthritis, inhalers and blood pressure.
Should be interesting!

Monday, September 21, 2009


How did I get hooked on a tv show when I don't even own a tv?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Poetry & Sharks!

Ink has arrived. One short story, The Heart for Rock n' Roll, has been straightened out and can be printed on the cheap 20lb paper - I have bought 3 reams. Another poem, an old favorite called Wishing myself into the Chelsea Hotel has gone under the knife - I'll print that one out too.
For my, and of course yours, reading pleasure, I have found Poems for Shark Week! Great poems here!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's raining in Vancouver

I hear tell it does.
I have a mental BLOCK problem. I have identified and put on my desktop at least 8 stories I have written. Of course, I never submitted them or anything. (I have a half written novel too, but more about this later.) I put them all into current programs, ready to be worked on: I don't have paper.
Oh, I have paper. It's bright white. I want the 20lb not so nice kind. That stops me.
Self-sabotage at its best.
I could at least straighten out the typing! Which I should do.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What to write...

Should I complain about my new upstairs neighbors and their barking dog? Why would you put a medium sized dog on the second floor? I pay my second month's rent tomorrow, which only reminds me I have eleven months left. I HATE CONFRONTATIONS but I will say something. In case I seriously have to take a broom to my ceiling to get them to JUST STOP IT! When they use the toilet, it sounds like a tsunami. & it seems they only have sex once a week. They're young! We're talking separate bedrooms by their 40s.
Note to self: Buy a broom.
The other thing major in my life: iTunes. Yes, I am hooked. I have downloaded Shark Week, a couple of eps of x-Files, NCIS, PSYCH and some discovery specials on Tattoos and the origins of Vampire lore. & cooking podcasts. Also, my beloved Scene/Unseen (glad Chris is back) and the Rotten Tomatoes Show is excellent.
All because of my new MacBookPro. After the Amtrak bus driver (no train station in Las Vegas) heaved my old beloved Mac under the bus, it's never been the same. So I use it for movies.
I have discovered a quote that I hope will motivate me:

"On a day no different than the one now dawning, Shakespeare sat down and started Hamlet, Leonardo stepped to an easel and made the first strokes of the Mona Lisa, and Beethoven took out a sketchbook and began the Ninth Symphony." adapted from Robert Richardson, Emerson A Mind on Fire.
Scheherazade might be up first!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, #15)

Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, #15) Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Well, listened to. I agree with Laurel, nothing funny in Lula, though I still find Grandma funny. And pick one of those guys already! Ranger scares me. The actress who read made him even scarier.

View all my reviews >>

Monday, August 10, 2009

Imaginarium Of Dr. Parnassus

Director: Terry Gilliam
Writers: Terry Gilliam, Charles McKeown
Cast: Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Tom Waits, Lily Cole, Andrew Garfield, Verne Troyer, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Jude Law
Plot: The story of Dr Parnassus and his extraordinary 'Imaginarium', a travelling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr Nick. Valentina is now rapidly approaching this 'coming of age' milestone and Dr Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr Parnassus promises his daughter's hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mary Oliver slide show

Really beautiful
Mary Oliver slide show at the New York Times.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Punkin' verite

The screen, always
Basho's heart behind
ad flashes, dismissed
the screen says nothing
I type, filling a meager
bit, minuscule cyber
never blank yet expanding
What I draw in my mind
comes out words, tint
the font it's still lays there.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Punkin' burning

For days after the lesson
I accused to random eye rolling
disbelief or "Child please!"
Much learning is wasted,
instincts undeveloped
Bur I had my suspicions

So silently judged awaiting
the moon wrought menace
none came witches stayed
becoming more so, until
it was I who left, childhood's
coven, before my sacrifice

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Punkin' drives

Any other way, one whole plot
taken, not minding but not really
caring, thus the wrong impression.

Lightly etched, a clever friend dangles
delight, moon lit or by candle, any very
respected barely peeking through.

Varying stories, oft told easily worn
essential to privacy, not to get in the way
but they never see that. Never.

Never give away: suggest or another
emotive word, the ultimate crime
the twist, psychological in hindsight.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Punkin' takes a ride

In winter quarters
shifting old tenting the detective
gets lucky? In private please.

She shares her fears, he leaves,
she dies. Death in service
of the plot. What I know
could be dangerous.

Oh Natasha!
Never rest until he's seen her,
what has it to do with you?
Not one corpse but two. I can count.

The circus turned upside down.
The old man at full blast -
Slams phone down. Hidden
somewhere, found by someone
else. Something in common.

Ah, Natasha! Why
is it dangerous? Let's make a bolt
for it. Not only from the knife
thrower but a would be clown,
a blood red midget, a slut and
virginal - she was right, poor kid.

A knife
that kills is buried with the victim.
Which leaves the rest of the set