Saturday, April 30, 2011

Watching Slipstream

Ben Kingsley's dying. YAY!

Bob Peck obsession continues unabated. If you could read the hundreds of Blogs I have, you'd know the whole story. Peck died, in 1999, but in the late 90s, he made a lot of movies. Probably he did them to make money because he knew he was dying and wanted to provide for his family.

None of which explains my crushing on a dead man. I think I'm dying. I also think I'm sinking into a depression. I fell off a bus last Saturday. My left side still hurts like a mother fucker. What the hell is a bruised lung?

This time though, I won't tell anyone. I'm surrounded by mountains. There's a desert I can walk out into. No one will save me. Not even myself. Curious how I'm beginning to watch from the outside.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lotta lichen going on

Yes, I went. Am nursing a bruising swelling on my left face. I thought it was an abscessed tooth, but it migrated to the space before the curve of my jaw. And a swollen left cheek. My left side feels more pain than my right ever does. The big baby.

Loved Apache Junction and the Trail. As did UB.

I am downloading Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World. #1 is my favorite background noise. I am actively trying NOT to turn on the TV. Or go to bed.

Hopefully this will all lead to a renewed vigor as to Snaketown, because I am so confident about what happens on the Apache Trail.