Monday, May 31, 2010

El macabro hallazgo

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I finished SNAKETOWN!!!

It's in the mail, winging its way to NYC, to St Martin's Press & the Tony Hillerman Mystery Contest!

This pic is apropos of nothing. I screen capture things watching movies on Netflix. This is from one of the:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished Snaketown. It needs editing, but I have beaucoup notes.



Friday, May 14, 2010

Discovered a new thing

Which of course the whole world has known about:

Am I supposed to try & get 8 oz in one nostril & out the other? I tried, but it then came out both. I actually enjoyed doing it! I just hope it clears out my post nasal drip. Chokes me up in the morning!

So how is Snaketown coming along? I wrote the Epilogue today (it came to me waiting for c-van @ legacy clinic, where I got a blood test to see if I have a fatal disease) and I am close to getting it all together. Then quickly editing. I almost understand raku and both Natty and I think we're Hohokam, so no problems there. I did have a detour to learn about adobe houses.

What fatal disease you ask? (I'm a bi-polar Gemini, so I may be speaking to any number of entities. None of whom leaves comments.) I don't remember.

Watching Beast for 20,000 Fathoms. Sort of laughable. Not quite as hilarious as Potemkin or Way Down East, but laughable.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Go Natty Go Natty Go Natty

Yep, Snaketown:

1. got another sex scene (it just flowed!)
2. Got back to 50,000 without filler
3. has 2 weeks to make the Hillerman deadline!

Need 10,000 more words, get Deb to proof and send it off. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keep on Keeping on

Yea, I got a delivery from Vista Print. As I said, I'm addicted. I will head off to Tucson with an unbelievable amount of note pads, pens, Notebooks, business cards, stickers, postcards and mugs. & t-shirts. I think I'm covered.

I have been outlining the ending to Snaketown. Now if I can just finish it. And edit it. I'm hyperventilating.

Finally, I was seriously dissed by the assholes at the Autumn Chase office this morning. I went to drop off packages and pick one up. The jerk couldn't have been more dismissive. They're harassing me about renewing: giving a party for renewals, having forms to fill out etc. As if.

These are the assholes who leave messages on the ground somewhere near my apartment door. They replaced all the windows. I NEVER GOT THE LETTER!!! They believe I did. I WOULD HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS IF I HAD!!! During the installation, they took out my air conditioner! The assholes didn't replace it! Who will I get to replace it? Doesn't matter.

Last week, they were ????? on my hot water heater. That letter was under the stairs to the second floor. I went to look and it said C-&. THAT DAY, some jerk was talking on the phone, saying "her number has changed." Outside my door. When the workman knocked, I opened the door, very friendly.

I have somehow gotten a bad reputation in this complex. Fuck 'em.

Thanks for listening to my rant. My invisible audience!