Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Will they move?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh yes yes yes yes yes

My Urban.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Dogs Go to Heaven

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011


Someone just offered $35 for the Garden bracelet. It's listed at $49.99. Doubt I'll get it. Too high for dealers, and I didn't give them #$%^&* a start price at $9.99.

I listed 40 sterling silver charms at $9.99, and they're only up to $12.50. Pisses me off!

Got my ring sizer. Found about 30 rings, in very pretty ring boxes, in my locker. I do remember buying most of them.

I have to get to my PO box. Had drama this morn in connection with the internet. But not only was I reconnected, I got super speed! I should have all the Midsomers shortly! Also got Surviving Picasso, which stars Bob Peck. I'm sure there are other actors.

ETA: It sold for $49.99

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ok so I fell off a bus

On the 23rd of April and got depressed. It tings a bit but I should be over it!


Oh yea, Bob Peck, because I want to see if anyone else blogs about him

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Watching Slipstream

Ben Kingsley's dying. YAY!

Bob Peck obsession continues unabated. If you could read the hundreds of Blogs I have, you'd know the whole story. Peck died, in 1999, but in the late 90s, he made a lot of movies. Probably he did them to make money because he knew he was dying and wanted to provide for his family.

None of which explains my crushing on a dead man. I think I'm dying. I also think I'm sinking into a depression. I fell off a bus last Saturday. My left side still hurts like a mother fucker. What the hell is a bruised lung?

This time though, I won't tell anyone. I'm surrounded by mountains. There's a desert I can walk out into. No one will save me. Not even myself. Curious how I'm beginning to watch from the outside.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lotta lichen going on

Yes, I went. Am nursing a bruising swelling on my left face. I thought it was an abscessed tooth, but it migrated to the space before the curve of my jaw. And a swollen left cheek. My left side feels more pain than my right ever does. The big baby.

Loved Apache Junction and the Trail. As did UB.

I am downloading Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World. #1 is my favorite background noise. I am actively trying NOT to turn on the TV. Or go to bed.

Hopefully this will all lead to a renewed vigor as to Snaketown, because I am so confident about what happens on the Apache Trail.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm beginning to become addicted.

To both Disappeared on You Tube and NCIS marathons on USA.

I'm also eating too much and sleeping too much. Le sigh. I WILL GO TO APACHE JUNCTION! I hope

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Naked Frankenstein

I've been searching for pics of Frankenstein's penis on the internet, but none has popped up.

Found this interesting post:
Madame Arcati Love the squirrel reference.

Of course DeNiro showed his penis in Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein. It looked like Mr Microphone

Pity I have no readers to point me in the right direction.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I should comment

but I've been busy. The hotel made me a deal on long term residency, so I've moved in. Got some of my jewels from the storage. Monday, I go for dentures. Ripping my rotten teefs outa my mouth. Sounds attractive don't it.

Happy to be home.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is this jet lag?

I've been up since 3 am. I am trying to make it to at least 8 pm. It's 7:24 p and I can barely type. Hate to keep deleting, but this wouldn't make a damn bit of sense if I just left it.

Couldn't go to Steampunk Con because I didn't book the shuttle... didn't even know I was supposed to. But I have sunburn from the zoo trip with Julie on Weds so another day out of the sun was a better idea.

Ok, it's not working. Thirty one minutes to go

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's funny is

I am collecting things I wanna do when I get home. The Wild West/Steampunk Con @ Old Tucson Studio on the 4th of March, the Tucson

Festival of Books, especially the Juliet Blackwell and Cara Black's workshops.

Good times!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nothing to say, but a lot of time to say it

Joined this new LJ community - holmesverse - where I get to tell the evil Moftiss how they can redeem Sherlock after they fucked up and introduced Moriarty. They should have the world's greatest detective DETECT Moriarty! Sheesh.

So anyway. The writing challenge was to write a teleplay of The Next Five Minutes after that loser cliff hanger.

On the off chance anyone's reading this, read that. Brilliant!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'Allo Mate!

This is where I (hope) I'm going on March 4th:

I've bought a ticket, but who knows what I'll do that day: I'm too fat, to bothered by other humans, to lazy, too jet lagged. I got a million of 'em.