Saturday, November 27, 2010

Flying too high with some guy in the sky is my idea

Of nothing to do...

This is who Punkin' wishes to grow up to be.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

In Punkin' Mourning

As if pie making wasn't enough

Thursday, November 18, 2010

44,705 words so far

Spoke to Judith Van Gieson, a New Mexico mystery writer, with whom I had made a appointment to discuss Dia's first chapter. But I didn't go to the Hillerman conference (because I'm going to Paris at the end of this month) but I kept the conference with Judith Van Gieson, mostly because I've never had a real writer talk about my work (vain, I know).

That's from another blog of mine. I have like eight. The swell thing is that Despite the fact that I was going to abandon the damn thing, she gave me hints that renewed my love. I love Dia, and Van Gieson led me to think I should alternate chapters. TOTALLY en pointe!

So today, the pic is for Land of Burning Heat: A Claire Reynier Mystery by Judith Van Gieson. I like this character.

I told her I'd blog about it and she laughed!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

35,472 words so far

As I have mentioned, The Book of Dia has stalled. In Tucson. Where it landed in the prologue. 35000 words in.

I can't explain it. Snaketown clipped along at such a linear pace. Plot points following plot points, moving briskly to the denouement. AND a murder had been committed. In the past and present.

The Book of Dia is more circular. As in, stuck in a rut. Or an oval., rut says it all.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

27,166 words so far

Just clicking along. Have reached a very sad part. I thought it was sad, because I cried to the point of nose dripping. Again, because I know I have no audience, I don't have to apologize for that visual.

If this is a manic episode, I'd rather have it now rather than on the plane.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Think PINK

23,116 words so far

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Panicked way too soon

Yesterday, 18,319

What changed? A new method of firing (ceramics) that I "learned" about: Maiolica, sometimes called majolica in English-speaking countries, is Italian tin-glazed pottery dating from the Renaissance.

AND the Big Cats of Tucson, such as the Ghost Cat:

Not that ghost cat, but a cougar. Happy writer now!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hit a bump so soon in the game

Of course, I had sex quickly in the other book. I'm 1400 behind. I am missing something. And Dia is thus far a cardboard cut. Why won't her personality shine? Was she better off stage?

So I am trying to visualize her. This is the most attractive reader I could google.
