Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm beginning to become addicted.

To both Disappeared on You Tube and NCIS marathons on USA.

I'm also eating too much and sleeping too much. Le sigh. I WILL GO TO APACHE JUNCTION! I hope

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Naked Frankenstein

I've been searching for pics of Frankenstein's penis on the internet, but none has popped up.

Found this interesting post:
Madame Arcati Love the squirrel reference.

Of course DeNiro showed his penis in Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein. It looked like Mr Microphone

Pity I have no readers to point me in the right direction.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I should comment

but I've been busy. The hotel made me a deal on long term residency, so I've moved in. Got some of my jewels from the storage. Monday, I go for dentures. Ripping my rotten teefs outa my mouth. Sounds attractive don't it.

Happy to be home.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is this jet lag?

I've been up since 3 am. I am trying to make it to at least 8 pm. It's 7:24 p and I can barely type. Hate to keep deleting, but this wouldn't make a damn bit of sense if I just left it.

Couldn't go to Steampunk Con because I didn't book the shuttle... didn't even know I was supposed to. But I have sunburn from the zoo trip with Julie on Weds so another day out of the sun was a better idea.

Ok, it's not working. Thirty one minutes to go