Tuesday, December 28, 2010


An entity on LJ (after all, even with names we're still anonymous) edited out information about onnagata in connection with the picture I posted there (previous entry here).

Very odd, her (his?) repeated claims it's not him. Thi translation is from the Urban Dictionary. The key to the mystery may here be:

An onnagata is a Japanese term for a female impersonator.

Onnagata also refers to male kabuki characters who played female parts.
From the medieval period to the 19th century in Japan, various men practised shudo, which is age-structured homosexuality. Because of this, many onnagata moonlighted as prostitutes.

Today, shonen-ai and yaoi are existing types of male homosexuality.
Nanshoku, or "the love of the samurai", may center on a relationship between a samurai and an onnagata.

Have I totally lost it?

Does this look like Benedict (Sherlock) Cumberbatch in Kabuki make-up?

It's from Burlesque Fairytales on this site: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA2NTc2OTMy.html

Or am I losing it?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet UB!

UB inspects the WC