Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hallo New Year

Wait. I have to turn off the heat. BRB I have a pumpkin pie in the oven (& Punkin LOVES pumpkin!) and my lil studio apt is prong shaped: one prong kitchen, one prone this desk and the base the rest of the apt. Anyway, it's heating up in here.

I sent my friend Deb in Buffalo a copy of Snaketown, because she's a professor and this is break for her. I sent it, even though I didn't rewrite as I wrote, because I'm stalled and she is honest, and because there's an odd incident in the book, which I've googled and it doesn't seem scientifically possible but seems to me within the realm of probability. To me, a poet. Anyway, a professor of computer science thought it was wonderful.

What's with the Route 66 heart? Don't all Americans love the idea of Route 66, the mythology of the mother lode? I know I'd love to set a novel on the old Route 66, or on the patch of Route 66, in a documentary I once saw (and will now google), contemporary part of the route that had been reclaimed but tumbleweeds and sage brush. Ok, I don't know if either of those plants were there, but they should have been.

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